Minggu, 07 September 2014

means zero in Italian

If we put aside the black ties, the velvet curtains and the overall exclusive atmosphere, baccarat is one of the simplest casino games around. In addition, baccarat is a beatable game with a low house edge, which makes it one of the best bets you can make! Here you can read about baccarat history and learn how to play the game.

Both the American and European versions of baccarat and the French Chemin de Fer are late developments of the Italian game called baccara, which means zero in Italian. The origins of baccara go back to an old Etruscan myth. According to the myth, a blonde virgin had to toss a nine sided die to decide on her destiny. If the die landed on eight or nine, she would have to fulfill her destiny and become a priest. If the die landed on six or seven, she would be forbidden to participate in any religious activity. If the die landed on any other number, the virgin had to walk into the sea.

The Italian game baccara was popular among French aristocracy during the end of the 15th century. Baccara had evolved to the European version of baccarat, which is still played in European casinos today as well as the French variation of baccarat known as Chemin de Fer, which is mainly played in casinos in France. The American version of the game was introduced to Nevada casinos in the 1950s by Francis Tommy Renzoni, who imported the game from Havana.

Baccarat still carries an aroma of aristocracy and exclusivity. In American casinos, baccarat is played in a separated area of the casino, hidden behind velvet curtains. Baccarat players are usually dressed up and the betting limits are higher comparing to other table games. In order to attract the medium budget players, a lower limit version of baccarat, called mini baccarat, was invented. Mini baccarat is played on a smaller table, inside the casino gambling area with lower betting limits than baccarat.

How to Play Baccarat

Baccarat is played with 3 dealers and up to 12 or 14 players. Baccarat is usually played with 8 standard card decks. Aces valued as one, face cards and ten cards valued as zero, and the rest of the number cards worth their face value. The suit has no meaning. The object of the game is to get as close to 9 as possible.

The play begins by all players, including the dealer, placing their bets either on the player, the banker, or on a tie. Traditionally, the dealer bets on the banker. The dealer can be the house dealer or one of the players. After everyone has placed their bets, the dealer gives two cards to each player and to the banker.

The score of each hand is calculated as the sum of the two cards minus the left digit. For example, if the sum of the two cards is 15, the score would be 5. The decision whether to deal a third card is determined by a set or rules and it is not up to the player or the dealers decision. 
If the score of the players hand is 9 or 8, he wins
If the score of the dealers hand is 9 or 8, it is a tie
If a players score is 7 or 6, he can be dealt a third card
If a players score is 5 or less, he has to receive a third card
If a player gets a third card and the score of the dealers hand is 2, 1 or 0, he must draw a third card
If the score of the dealers hand is 3 and the players third card is any value but 8, he must draw a third card
If the score of the dealers hand is 4 and the players third card value is between 2 and 7, he must draw a third card
If the score of the dealers hand is 5 and the players third card value is between 4 and seven, he must draw a third card
If the score of the dealers hand is 6 and the players third card is 6 or 7, he must draw a third card.
If the score of the dealers hand is 7, he cannot draw a third card.

veðmál og veðja

Agent 007 og áræði leik ár eftir ár halda áfram að dazzle náungi þeirra kynþokkafullur vettvangur og sigra sviksemi óvinum sínum.

The Bacara: The uppáhalds leikur af klassískum James Bond: Baccarat og 007

Baccarat er klassískt veðja leikur upprunnið á Ítalíu á 15. öld og er einnig einkennandi fyrir fræga njósnari 007 í hverri senu sem glæsileika og ágæti, ásamt óaðfinnanlegur hendi og Martini í að veðja á annan James Bond hefur haldið goðsögn frá uppruna sínum frá 50s til dagsins í dag. Þannig drottnar enska njósna franska útgáfa af the leikur sem heitir Baccarat Chemin de Fer með mikla hæfileika og aðdáun.

Bacara var alltaf vinsæll meðal hár samfélaginu, sérstaklega á 15. öld, þegar það kom fram á Ítalíu. Baccarat þýðir núll í ítalska og um stækkun þess í ný lönd reglur og mismunandi afbrigði voru fundin og lagað eins og Bandaríkin eða Frakkland Chemin de Fer, eða hina svokölluðu James Bond leik.

Leikurinn samanstendur af "Player" og "Banker" nafn gefið til veðja valkostur, þetta eru breiða tvo eða þrjú spil hvor með einfalt markmið 9 án  pupuk hantu hayati eceran multiguna termurah untuk merk exclusive hormon herbal yang asli di þess að fara yfir. Á meðan bankinn ákveður í samræmi við reglur leiksins þegar hætta spila og leikmenn hafa þegar fengið veðja á hvaða tveggja vann Player eða Banker hönd. The leikmaður er eða leikmaður veðmál og veðja á hönd sem vann mest rétt skora, vinnur hönd. Í bandaríska aðlögun, leikurinn rennur þvert á bekknum, en í Chemin de Fer, leikmaður keppa hver við aðra. Einn táknar leikmaður og hinn til sölumanns.

Fylgja Chemin de fer bókum Ian Fleming aðlaganir vettvangi James Bond, hefur dazzled af mismunandi ævintýrum áratugi njósnari, með óaðfinnanlegur vald sitt í leik og aðlaðandi stíl. Þangað til nýjustu útgáfu hans í 2006 James Bond enn nýtur losta grænt casino borð með vindla sína og sexy kærasta hans í aðgerð. Anio Árið 1964, skáldsögurnar um James Bond og köflum voru skrifaðar af Kingsley Amis, John Pearson, John Gardner, Raymond Benson, og Charlie Higson. Leikarar fjölbreytt einnig að byrja með Sean Connery þekkt, eftir Geroge Lazenby, Roger Moore, Tomothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan og Daniel Craig.

Ef þú horfir, það er mjög áhugavert sjá hvernig Agent veðja á leikinn og snúa athafna og uppgötva leyndarmál í kringum það með sama hraða, öryggi og sviksemi. Enlas James Bond kvikmyndir leika Chemin de Fer fer í glæsilegri íbúð full af glæsilegri konur og auðugur menn á bak við leikinn hafa önnur áhugamál til að birta. Í raun og veru tengsl milli Baccarat og Agent 007 er trúr félagi af leyndarmálum og spennandi ævintýri á fimm áratugum sem gerði